Jul 24, 2023Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Been saving this one to read like a sweet lil treat for myself. I have such a complicated relationship with Tom Cruise (in that he has no idea I exist but I am fighting cognitive dissonance every time I watch one of his movies). Mission: Impossible is hands-down my favorite movie franchise.

I watched half an episode of the X Files when I was a kid and was so terrified I didn’t watch any more until my early 20s. Once I started watching it, I fell in love with Scully/Gillian and never looked back. Beyond that, there are a lot of gay shows that I didn’t let myself / didn’t feel I was allowed to watching growing up that became favs later on in life. The L Word is the classic example.

“disappointed by MEN” is an evergreen take.

I’m too little too late here but I feel that the first M:I was one of the essential backstory ones to watch for the new one!! and RATING IT? I’m affronted.

“That is just SOOOO unserious and so perfect. 10/10!” pretty much sums up my feelings on the franchise!

your Dear John taste memory is killiiiiiing me lmaoooo

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"disappointed by MEN is an evergreen take" make that a bumper sticker now!! lolol

Ooh The L Word is a GREAT example of important franchises missed. And X Files! I had my X Files binge the year after I graduated from college and had a breakup. Boy did I dive deep into Dana Scully as my entire personality! (Even though I obvi more of a Mulder, ugh)

Okay, you have called me out! On the thing I was afraid I would be called out on! If I was really being a purist, I should've rewatched the first one on this binge. My guess is since I loved 2 and 3 for their weirdness, I would've loved #1 maybe even more as the franchise-setter. I promise to go back and do it justice!!!

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

I can’t wait for the new Olivia album!!!!

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen MI 2 or 3 🤔 but I loved the first one as a trend setter for its time and a jolly good romp!! AND I’ve loved all the new ones!!!

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I think you'd like 3!! Maybe skip 2 haha, it's VERY early-aughts. Like if the OC was Mission Impossible-ized. But I loved that kind of ha!


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Oh and can't wait for you to see the new MI and let me know what you think!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Eek! Had no idea there were this manny Mission Impossible movies! You're making me want to do a marthon too. I've seen 1 and 4 from what I can tell from your recaps... and remember zero about either except the high notes from the trailers...

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When I finally counted the movies out, I couldn't decide if I was astonished how many there are or surprised there aren't like 20. I my mind they've blended with all the James Bond movies, too.

(Like, I definitely thought that iconic Halle Berry in the orange bikini scene was from Mission Impossible. I was waiting for her to arrive at any moment!)

Upon rewatching, I realized 15 minutes into #5 that I had definitely seen it before haha. And only remembered like two scenes (both having to do with the main female character because #supportwomen )

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Mission Impossible is one of those rare franchises that gets better as they go along. I actually didn't like the 1st one (felt it was to confusing) and the 2nd (too much John Woo), but after that, they were tremendous.

My MI rankings from best to worst: Fallout, III, Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, original, II.

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I love this ranking! I'm so curious about people's different rankings, and super glad #3 mde it so high in yours. I just watched Rogue Nation last night and I'm obsessed with Rebecca Ferguson obviously. Tonight: Fallout! Excited it's your fave.

Yes, the 2nd is VERY John Woo haha. Good way to put it. It's definitely a specific feel. Also re: #1 being confusing, we watched that YouTube recap and after were like "that made ZERO sense, oh well, we get it they're spies."

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Phillip Seymour Hoffman is why I ranked 3 so high. He was a brilliant MI villain.

Rogue Nation was nearly top of my list due mostly to the water server scene. However, I wasn't a huge fan of the way they ended up getting Lane at the end. I know MI plans are a bit convoluted, but that was a bit much. 😂

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HAHAHAA it was sooooooo convoluted. That's how I felt about ALL of Fallout. Like, this plot is so convoluted what are we doing here? But it was also very good.

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