Mar 14, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Also, your newsletters are TOO FUNNY, as in, HOW am I supposed to remember all the things I wanted to respond to??? 😂😂😂 But here was just one of the moments that made me glad to be human:

‘The New York Times thought it was slightly obnoxious, but their review used the word “peregrinations,” so who exactly is the obnoxious one here.’

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

First, I truly look forward to these every week.

Second, Quincy Crosby who is playing Magic Johnson in Winning Time, went to the school where Jane attends daycare. Sooooo....Famous Adjacent.

Third, I, and my friends, were so obsessed with The Mole and Survivor in 4th grade that we created a version of it that we played at recess. My BFF ended up being the mole and I found her out. What a weird show for 4th graders to be in to, but we are truly the start of the reality TV generation. Side note, until it showed up on Netflix, I had never put together that Anderson Cooper was the host. Second side note, if I recall correctly there is a celebrity version.

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Oh my gosh, this gave me LIFE. I feel like I remember y'all being a big Survivor fam! I vaguely remember The Mole, like ads for it, but as you probably recall, we weren't a big "modern TV" family! lol Catching up on it all! Anderson Cooper being the host is fantastic. haha

OMG! I can't believe this guy Quincy Crosby, he is nailing Magic Johnson.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

“I woke up like this—i.e. with a debilitating hangover after three hours of restless sleep in the fetal position.” I’m pretty sure you meant Ed Sheeran. Happy to help.

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LOL Okay okay leave Ed out of this!!! I guess what I mean is Harry Styles has hungover rockstar energy which to me doesn't shout SKINCARE. Ed Sheeran has like humble farmer who woke up at 5am and just needs a pint energy. Also doesn't shout skincare. haha

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