The whole episode was cringe and im tired of the series using “historical context” to use rape, incest, and grooming to move their story lines. It’s a make believe world with dragons!!!! ITS NOT REAL!

That being said, Sarah Hess’s defense is deplorable:

“This is done not necessarily by those we would define as rapists or abusers, but often by generally well-meaning men who are unable to see that what they are doing is traumatic and oppressive, because the system that they all live in normalizes it. It’s less obvious than rape but just as insidious, though in a different way.”

They are rapists. Not calling for their beheading but it doesn’t matter if they are “well-meaning” (what even does that mean?!?!?!) and that the sexual violence “less obvious” ( TO WHOM SARAH?! TO WHOM?!?!??)

I was over GOT when John got the crown and Daenarys/Khaleesi went mad. GOT has great world building, awesome CGI and cinematography, but it feels like the writers are trying to make “fetch” happen, except “fetch” is child grooming, incest, the sexual coercion, and rape.

The acting is also terrible hahaha. In summation, I’m watching - but only so i can bitch about how awful it is.

Amazing power ranking this week. Rounds of applause and standing ovations. Thanks for writing these and validating my emotions hahaha

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I feel like I'm appropriating someone else's culture when I say this, but: GO OFF, QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

I relished EVERY statement you made!! The Hess quote was truly wild because she was supposedly coming in a cleaning up a PR mess the men had made -- but then she just showed she, too, is blithely coasting over rape and sexual violence, excusing it? Excusing THEM!?

The "historical" excuse is really laughable. It's like the people who think elves can't be Black. Like um....elves aren't real, a**hole.

I also applaud you for abandoning this dark venture that is HotD lol. I don't have the strength, but I applaud you. STAY AWAY.

So glad you popped in with RAGE!!!!

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Ooooo your section on Rhaenyra and Criston… 🥺🥺🥺

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

A parallel picture of two young women being used by the men around them. A Thelma & Louise-style tableaux saying to us, “All men, of every kind, are MONSTERS!!!!”


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Had to be?? I don't know, I don't trust anyone on that showrunner team anymore!

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

I’m going to respond as I read, sorry, because SO MUCH TO RESPOND TO!!

It was 100% grooming. That was the most upsetting part to me. He clearly groomed her. And I felt like we were a little bit *supposed* to still like him?!??! And maybe even root for their relationship???!!!?!!? F*ck that. I can’t handle this.

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YES! F*ck THAT!!!

It really was the whole "people are still rooting for Daemon and this relationship" that put me OUT!!! WTF!!?!?!??? Like if we all agree we're watching a show about trash people doing trash/evil/horrible things, great, fine. That's what it's like watching Succession. But if we're going to root for them to do the evil things, what!?

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Also, bless you for the word on “non-consensual intercourse.” 🥺💔❤️‍🩹

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

I haven’t watched a LICK of this show (assuming it’s too violent for me!!) but I’m sure I agree 100 with everything you said!

Also side note - the thing Grimes said to George R R Martin or whatever his name is - introducing herself as Gaga. CLEARLY she’s begging to be cast in one of these nutty shows - let’s throw Grimes a bone and let her sling around some dragons!!

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OMG I wish Grimes was in the Lord of the Rings show SO BAD. How did her billionaire baby daddy Elon not get her a spot!??!?! If Elon can't, WHO CAN????

Did you see the thing where she asked her Twitter followers if anyone had input on getting surgery to have permanent elf ears?? Like GIVE HER THE ROLE ALREADY. Sling around some dragons, yes!

(Also, yes HotD is way too violence for you, baby.)

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Elon is good for nothing!!!

And yes indeed - for some reason my whole social media feed is about 90% Grimes-related - and I'm only a fan of one album, not sure how this happened!

It's like they're going to need her to only communicate in elfish from here on out in order to cast her. They wanna see how far she'll go or something!!

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Elon sucks! I was all "Grimes, don't get elf ears" and then Elon responded on Twitter and said the same thing and I was immediately like, "LET HER DO WHATEVER SHE WANTS TO HER EARS!!!!!!"

I love that you are somehow in the Grimes Stan algorithm. No one will go as far as she will to get cast in these shows, and I'm here for it.

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