Oct 10, 2021Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

See, I saw A LOT that wasn’t super age appropriate when it came to movies. I saw Jurassic Park when I was 8 and laughed when the T-Rex ate the guy off the toilet (because I was 8, and anything with toilets was an automatic laugh). But remember “Mars Attacks”? Not anywhere near a horror movie, but I was young and didn’t know what satire was or how to enjoy it. Well, at some point, the claymation aliens land on earth & the president presents himself to them and offers peace. Then one of them pulls out their gun thing, zaps him, and then he turns to dust. I lost my ever-loving mind. I cried and screamed so much, my parents turned off the movie to consul me. My siblings HATED me for ruining movie night. I started freaking out even more when my mom suggested we do family prayer time because I thought we needed to pray about the aliens attacking us.

All to say, I’m a scaredy cat. I’ve watched 2 clips of Squid Games (thanks, FB), and almost cried. My idea of Halloween scary movies are ghost busters and beetle juice

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

LOVED the SNL highlights—keep those coming. And not a scary movie, but when it comes to being scarred at an early age, the boys turning into donkeys on pleasure island in Pinocchio comes to mind.

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

I looooooved Owen Wilson!!! And Luke Wilson!!! It was basically the comfort tv I didn’t even know I needed!

My scary movie was Ernest Scared Stupid and it is terrifying. Also what was up with all the scary movies at youth group??? I remember watching the others once.

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Oct 15, 2021Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

Just tried Squid Game. Made it to the bathroom and the bloody nose and the bowl and the tiny pocket knife. I'm now changing over to stream the Great British Baking Show. That's better.

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

I saw Jurassic Park in the theater when I was 10. My brothers got me to go because “there’s kids in it.” I was a scaredy-cat kid so you can imagine how much I had my face in my sweaty hands! I still have dinosaur nightmares to this day.

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Oct 9, 2021Liked by Hannah Vanbiber

I went to see the OG Jumanji in theaters when I was but 5 years old. I went with my neighbors who couldn’t have given any effs about what their kids watched or consumed (why was my mother cool with me joining them at the movies, I’LL NEVER KNOW. I wasn’t even allowed to spend the night at their house. I DIGRESS). I cried like a tiny baby through basically the whole movie. And proceeded to have nightmares for weeks. Now, I know Jumanji isn’t a “scary movie” perse but wowowow for a child who wasn’t allowed to watch THE LITTLE MERMAID, it was a real fear monger.

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